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Posts tagged “life

Taking Back Control

Sometimes you have to make the tough decision of putting yourself or others first. Before you make your decision you need to look at the entire situation. Does what you want to do interfere with what you should do or is it something that you want to do to make others happy? That’s the big question right there. Is this something that makes you happy or someone else happy? You need to remember that this is your life, not someone else’s that you are living. If someone wants you to do something (move to a new area, get a different job, change your hairstyle, your fashion style, anything) and you don’t want to do it you need to ask yourself if this is part of your plan or is this simply a distraction? Sometimes it can be hard telling someone you are close to that you are going to do something against their wishes.

If you have been putting yourself second to others it may be time for a change. You only get one trip on this world so you need to make the most of it. If someone tells you that you need to do something to make them happy but in the process you lose part of who you are I wouldn’t do it. It’s hard to change your lifestyle and even harder to go against others wishes. You need to do whatever makes you happy.  If you’d rather take a job that pays less, but you have more free time to live your life why not take that chance? What if you pass that by and the opportunity doesn’t come back again? Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith and stick to your guns.

When it comes to making decisions you are the only one who decides the outcome. Start putting yourself first. It’s your life so why not take control of it. Everyone has the power to lead. If you can’t lead your own life how are you going to reach your personal legend? We are not children anymore. We are the future and the future is here so let’s make a stand for what we want and what is right!

Yearly Bucket List

Let’s recap: We have learned about the Weekly and Monthly Bucket Lists. These lists are helping us to be more active and bring more excitement into our lives. The planning of these events is half of the fun. When trying to come up with something to do each month that goes above and beyond your normal activity level you look deep into yourself and decide what you can and might not be able to do. Take those might nots and go for it.  

Once you decide what is going on your lists the planning starts. Figure out exactly when you are going to do these events and with whom you plan to do them with. Is it a solo run or a group one? What’s the agenda? If you are traveling, where are you staying? What else can you do on this trip? Planning a bucket list event is half of the fun. You psych yourself up so much for it that you are basically living it while you plan. You’ll see when you begin to work on the next list.

The last list that you will need will be your Yearly Bucket List. This is the list that will most closely resemble a “typical” bucket list. This is where you put the big boys.

  • Sky Diving
  • Free Diving
  • Go to a different country
  • Go to a different continent
  • Go see my sports team play on the opposite coast.

You know what the big ones are and what you want to do. This is where you put them. You will want to make this list for you. If you cannot afford to travel; don’t. You can come up with cheap/free things to do for a Yearly Bucket List. If you like to camp you can try extreme survival camping. Go out with only a tarp and some string (food too, you don’t want to go outside your skill level). Take something you like to a higher level. That’s the point of this list: To take what you’ve been doing with your other lists to the extreme.

Remember. Don’t make a “standard” bucket list. A bucket list is a list of dreams with an untangible deadline (no pun intended). When you make a list of things to do before you die, you can slip into the mindset of, ‘Well…I would like to do this, but I still have time…’ When in reality, you don’t know if you are going to see tomorrow let alone next year. It’s a sad fact but that’s why I’m sharing this with you. Live your life to the fullest. Make everyday an adventure and have fun! This is your life. You only get one chance so why waste it doing shit you don’t like?


Long days and pleasant nights,

Shoeless Joe

Monthly Bucket List

After you have started working on your Weekly Bucket List it is now time to move into something a little more involve. This would be the Monthly Bucket List. Your Monthly Bucket List is reserved for things that are more intense and time consuming. Items would be put on this list to get you out even more than your Weekly Bucket List. Some ideas would include:

  1. Go see a musical.
    • Or a concert. Something that gives you enjoyment and gets you out of the house. In the summer you can find a lot of free outdoor events. Just find the website for your cities events and go from there 
  2. Take a weekend trip somewhere.
    • Go somewhere different. Maybe there is a cool state park nearby that you can go to for a day or two 
    • Is there a festival happening nearby 
      • Heritage (Scottish, Irish, German, Hellenic, etc.)
      • Music
      • Town Festivals
      • County and State Fairs?
  3. Do you have friends or family that is a little out of the way that you would like to see? 
    • Go see them!
  4.  Go to a local landmark.
    •  I live near Niagara Falls but I don’t go there at all. I’ve been in Buffalo for 6 years and have seen the falls 4 times 
  5. Go to a Museum
    • Science Museums
    • Planetariums 
    • Art Galleries
  6. Go to a sporting event.
    •  Having the chance to yell at the people in real life that you normally yell at on TV feels great.

Your Monthly Bucket List should be 1-2 items that you will cross off your list each month. Try not to count the same event multiple months in a row. If you are an avid sports fan and go to a professional game every month that doesn’t count for your Monthly Bucket List. The idea here is to get you out and doing something more intense than your weekly lists. Do you see the pattern yet?

Good luck working on your Monthly Bucket Lists. Let me know what type of things you are putting on your list for December.

Long days and pleasant nights,

Shoeless Joe

Am I Dreaming? It doesn’t matter…

How nice is it to have a great dream? Not a “I Have A Dream!” dream but the unconscious, sleeping dream. I love dreaming. I love having the freedom to do whatever I want to whenever I want to. In a dream you can talk to anyone you want to. In a dream, you are the one in control. If you can do the elusive Lucid Dreaming, you have even more control. A lucid dream is basically a dream that you don’t wake up from when you know that you are dreaming. If you can figure out that you are in a dream you now have complete power over that it.

Here is an example of a lucid dream. It starts off with you working in a busy downtown office building. You don’t really like your job and want to be away from the office as much as possible. It’s almost your lunch time and your boss comes bumbling in. “I’m going to need you to work late today.” You look at the clock and you can’t seem to read it.* Needed to step away before you go off the handle and quit, you take your lunch break. Since your office is just a short walk to this really nice cafe you decide to go there and grab a cup of coffee.  You walk past shop windows and then you see something that catches your eye. All of a sudden….WamBO!! ‘I am in a dream…I can do whatever I want!’ (And you really can! In a dream you can fulfill all of your wildest fantasies and even the most modest desires.) At this point you start tinkering with your dream. The stop lights all change in your favor, people aren’t bothering you and then…there’s that person you’ve been wanting to talk to for weeks but haven’t had the guts to do it until now (in the safety of your dream).  You and your crush stop to chat about this and that, and then you ask if they want to go grab a cup of coffee. Of course they say yes, (it’s your dream) and when you finally make it to that coffee shop and sit down you wake up, you remember that it was a dream and nothing more. Your crush didn’t really want to go have coffee with you…or do they?

Why can’t we live our lives like we are in a dream? Why do we need to be so scared of rejection? How do you know that the person you like doesn’t like you back? Have you asked them? I challenge you to start living your life as if you are dreaming. Take chances you normally wouldn’t. DON’T BE STUPID! You can’t fly so don’t go jumping off of roofs, you are not Aquaman so don’t go trying to hold your breath for 20 mins under water. Keep things safe. Don’t go out and harm yourself or others. If your dream is to kill someone then you are at the wrong website. I don’t condone harmful actions or support those who do harm others. Do only good and only good will come to you. So, treat your life as if you are dreaming. If you see someone you would like to talk to, go do it! Don’t be afraid of consequences. A “NO” will hurt, I know it will, but how much more would it hurt if you didn’t make that first move and you find out years down the road that it would have been a “yes”???

*When in a dream, clocks and mirrors will have blurry images.  This is a trick to recognizing that you are in a dream.

 Long days and pleasant nights

Shoeless Joe



Image from: http://blog.lib.umn.edu/meyer769/myblog/writing-2/2011/10/

Posting Glitch

Good Morning! Well, isn’t this embarrassing? All the posts I had scheduled have dissappeared. I’m pretty sure this is a human error and not an error by WordPress. I haven’t been able to grasp the whole “scheduling posts” thing. All the posts are backed up on my personal computer (I’m currently on my work computer on a break) so I’ll get them back up and re-scheduled. The post that should have been up yesterday will be up this afternoon and the post for Wednesday will be up on time. Thank you for bearing through this with me!

Long days and pleasant nights,

Shoeless Joe

Weighing Your Options

When you are faced with a new opportunity you may need to weigh your options. The classic list of pros and cons comes to mind here. Let’s say you are in a job that doesn’t treat you the best, but pays fairly well. Now, you are offered a new job that will pay less but be much less stress. What do you do?

You will need to think about how much your happiness is worth. If you will be happier in a different job, should you take it even though you’ll be making less money? Do you need to be making as much as you do now to be happy? There isn’t a cut and dry way to make these decisions. The one question you really need to ask yourself is, “Does this path lead me closer to my personal legend?” If it does…then the answer may already have been made for you.

This is a short post, but time is short these days. I would expect the longer posts to return within the next week or two.  Don’t forget to live each day to its fullest and enjoy what you do!

Long days and pleasant nights,

Shoeless Joe

Stuck in a Rut? Break the Cycle.

It’s like being stuck in a sailboat without a breeze; like wandering through a maze that has no exit. Living your life in a repetitive cycle is not enjoyable. I myself feel like I am “stuck” in my current position in life. I have had the same job for over 3 years now and not much has changed in my life during that time. Instead of just sitting around and waiting for something to happen I am being active in my own life. I am writing for Barefoot Buffalo, I have gotten my old band back together and we are playing shows again. I am doing things that make me happy and trying to find my own personal legend. I think it may be either writing a book, or it may be playing in the band. Only time will tell.

For those who do not know yet, I am taking Barefoot Buffalo and turning it into a book for the National Novel Writing Month competition. I will hopefully get the book done by December!

My plan for my hectic life right now is to take a step back and evaluate everything that’s going on. When one thing starts taking off, it may be time to put the others on the backburner.  This brings me to my point this week. When you feel like the world is falling apart around you and you can do nothing to change it, take a step back and think. Your bills are piling up, your job keeps getting crappier, and you find yourself over-stressed and losing control.  All these things are temporary. These problems have solutions. I know that they don’t feel like they can be fixed, but they can.

I know from experience. I was so far in debt that I was contemplating bankruptcy. I got through it. I’m not out of the hole yet, but I’m a lot farther along than I was 2 years ago. With a little patience and hard work I have made it easier to breath. Right now my job treats me like garbage and my stress levels are through the roof. I’m trying to ride out the current wave of B.S. that’s coming my way. I know that what is being done to me at work is the result of a major change taking place. This I can’t do anything about, but as for the stress? That has always been there, and I finally realized that I need to make a change. I’m working toward that change right now.

It’s been a stressful week so far and I’m started to feel a little overwhelmed. It looks like my personal legend is trying to tell me something. I need to take breath and listen to it. That is how you get through these stressful times; taking that breath and finding your options, figuring your way out of the situation.

You need to step out of your comfort zone once in a while to get comfortable in situations. 

You need to step away from the cycle to break it.

Be adventurous to break up monotony.

Be who you want to be, not what others tell you to be.


All I’m saying is everyone should take a good hard look at how they are living their life. Are you happy with what you have become? Not your career…YOU. Are you happy with the body you have? Are you happy with diseases such as Diabetes, all Mental/Nervous disorders? Americans have been getting sicker and sicker and bigger and bigger every year. What if, instead of doing the same things year after year we go back to the original. Let’s get off our asses and DO SOMETHING! Let’s eat the way our ancestors did before the advent of farming. Let’s MOVE like our lives depend on it, because it does. Believe me, it does. I’m not saying that your nutritionist and your personal trainer are wrong…wait, maybe I am saying just that! How does milk benefit me? Calcium? I can get that from my veggies thanks. And when it comes to working out why should we isolate muscles to work them? Is our body designed to work only one muscle at a time or as one machine? How will having really big biceps help me run? How will a treadmill help me carry my friend 10 miles out of the woods when they break their leg? People just need to rethink their lives. Try to get better, not to be different, just a better you.

I apologize for the rant, I just get so frustrated when I see commercials for finding a cure to some disease when we already have one that works…The paleo diet. So many things can be cured by eating differently and breaking away from the Zoo Human.  Our society puts too much effort into helping symptoms not prevention. Some days I feel like I should just run away and live on my own, in the wilderness and too just be me without worrying about society and what shirt to wear to work tomorrow. All the trivial nonsense is getting to me more and more as I journey toward a better me.

Good luck to you all. I hope you find yourself before it is too late…

Shoeless Joe

Live Your Life To The Fullest

Whatever comes your way, you can get through it. Live your life as if today was your last, because it just might be.